L'équipe Demopaedia sera présente à la Conférence internationale sur la Population de Busan.
Si vous vous rendez à cette conférence, venez assister à notre communication orale qui aura lieu le mardi 27 août de 15h30 à 17h00 (Bexco, pièce 213, Glass Hall, 2e étage). Le nouveau dictionnaire coréen sera également présenté lors d'une conférence organisée par la Fédération coréenne de planification familiale (PPFK) sur "les questions de population & de l'aide publique au développement" (ouverte à tous) à 19h00 (Bexco, pièce 110).

Vous pouvez télécharger les volumes français, anglais, italien, thaï en différents formats électroniques ou les commander sur papier à prix coûtant.

Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français


Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français
< MediaWiki:Common.js
Révision datée du 10 mars 2012 à 14:19 par Nicolas Brouard (discussion | contributions) (1 version : Essai)
(diff) ← Version précédente | Voir la version actuelle (diff) | Version suivante → (diff)
Aller à : navigation, rechercher

Note : après avoir enregistré vos modifications, il se peut que vous deviez forcer le rechargement complet du cache de votre navigateur pour voir les changements.

  • Firefox / Safari : maintenez la touche Maj (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl-F5 ou Ctrl-R (⌘-R sur un Mac)
  • Google Chrome : appuyez sur Ctrl-Maj-R (⌘-Shift-R sur un Mac)
  • Internet Explorer : maintenez la touche Ctrl en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl-F5
  • Opera : allez dans Menu → Settings (Opera → Préférences sur un Mac) et ensuite à Confidentialité & sécurité → Effacer les données d’exploration → Images et fichiers en cache.
/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */
/** Extra toolbar options ******************************************************
 *  Description: Adds extra buttons to the editing toolbar.
 *  To disable this script, add <code>mwCustomEditButtons = [];<code> to [[Special:Mypage/vector.js]].
 *  Maintainers: [[User:MarkS]], [[User:Voice of All]], [[User:R. Koot]]

if (mwCustomEditButtons) {
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c8/Button_redirect.png",
        "speedTip": "Redirect",
        "tagOpen": "#REDIRECT [[",
        "tagClose": "]]",
        "sampleText": "Target page name"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c9/Button_strike.png",
        "speedTip": "Strike",
        "tagOpen": "<s>",
        "tagClose": "</s>",
        "sampleText": "Strike-through text"
         "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/13/Button_enter.png",
        "speedTip": "Line break",
        "tagOpen": "<br />",
        "tagClose": "",
        "sampleText": ""
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/80/Button_upper_letter.png",
        "speedTip": "Superscript",
        "tagOpen": "<sup>",
        "tagClose": "</sup>",
        "sampleText": "Superscript text"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/70/Button_lower_letter.png",
        "speedTip": "Subscript",
        "tagOpen": "<sub>",
        "tagClose": "</sub>",
        "sampleText": "Subscript text"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/58/Button_small.png",
        "speedTip": "Small",
        "tagOpen": "<small>",
        "tagClose": "</small>",
        "sampleText": "Small Text"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/34/Button_hide_comment.png",
        "speedTip": "Insert hidden Comment",
        "tagOpen": "<!-- ",
        "tagClose": " -->",
        "sampleText": "Comment"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/12/Button_gallery.png",
        "speedTip": "Insert a picture gallery",
        "tagOpen": "\n<gallery>\n",
        "tagClose": "\n</gallery>",
        "sampleText": "Image:Example.jpg|Caption1\nImage:Example.jpg|Caption2"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fd/Button_blockquote.png",
        "speedTip": "Insert block of quoted text",
        "tagOpen": "<blockquote>\n",
        "tagClose": "\n</blockquote>",
        "sampleText": "Block quote"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/60/Button_insert_table.png",
        "speedTip": "Insert a table",
        "tagOpen": '{| class="wikitable"\n|',
        "tagClose": "\n|}",
        "sampleText": "-\n! header 1\n! header 2\n! header 3\n|-\n| row 1, cell 1\n| row 1, cell 2\n| row 1, cell 3\n|-\n| row 2, cell 1\n| row 2, cell 2\n| row 2, cell 3"
        "imageFile": "//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Button_reflink.png",
        "speedTip": "Insert a reference",
        "tagOpen": "<ref>",
        "tagClose": "</ref>",
        "sampleText": "Insert footnote text here"

/** Fix edit summary prompt for undo  ******************************************
 *  Fixes the fact that the undo function combined with the "no edit summary prompter"
 *  causes problems if leaving the edit summary unchanged.
 *  Added by [[User:Deskana]], code by [[User:Tra]].
 *  See also [[bugzilla:8912]].
$(function () {
    if (document.location.search.indexOf("undo=") != -1 && document.getElementsByName('wpAutoSummary')[0]) {

/** Edittools javascript loader ************************************************
 *  Description: Pulls in [[MediaWiki:Edittools.js]]. Includes a cache-bypassing
 *  version number in the URL in order to allow any changes to the edittools to
 *  be rapidly deployed to users.
 *  Note that, by default, this function does nothing unless the element with
 *  the ID "editpage-specialchars" (which contains the old edittools code in
 *  [[MediaWiki:Edittools]], and will be retained as a placeholder in the new
 *  implementation) has a class named "edittools-version-NNN", where NNN is a
 *  number.  If the class name has "test" before the number, the code will only
 *  run for users who have set "window.testJsEdittools = true" in their user JS.
 *  The "test" should be retained in the class name until the new edittools
 *  implementation is ready and fully tested, and until at least 30 days have
 *  passed since this loader stub was added (which will be in 27 June 2008).
 *  For compatibility with Alex Smotrov's original implementation, on which this
 *  code is loosely based (see [[mw:User talk:Alex Smotrov/edittools.js]]), this
 *  loader can also be disabled by setting "window.noDefaultEdittools = true".
 *  Maintainers: [[User:Ilmari Karonen]]

//Prevent the static edittools from flashing before the compact edittools below is loaded.
mw.util.addCSS('div.edittools-text { display:none; }');

$(function () {
    // needs to be deferred until the DOM has fully loaded
    var placeholder = document.getElementById("editpage-specialchars");
    if (!placeholder || window.noDefaultEdittools) {
        //Show the static edittools again for users with "window.noDefaultEdittools=true".
        mw.util.addCSS('div.edittools-text { display:block; }');
    var match = /(?:^| )edittools-version-(\d+)(?: |$)/.exec(placeholder.className);
    console.log("Common.js/edit.js match =" + match);
    // set window.testJsEdittools = true to enable testing before full deployment
    if (!match && window.testJsEdittools)
        match = /(?:^| )edittools-version-(test\d+)(?: |$)/.exec(placeholder.className);
    if (!match) return;
    var url = wgScript + '?title=MediaWiki:Edittools.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&nocache=' + match[1];
var url = wgScript + '?title=MediaWiki:Edittools.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript';