L'équipe Demopaedia sera présente à la Conférence internationale sur la Population de Busan.
Si vous vous rendez à cette conférence, venez assister à notre communication orale qui aura lieu le mardi 27 août de 15h30 à 17h00 (Bexco, pièce 213, Glass Hall, 2e étage). Le nouveau dictionnaire coréen sera également présenté lors d'une conférence organisée par la Fédération coréenne de planification familiale (PPFK) sur "les questions de population & de l'aide publique au développement" (ouverte à tous) à 19h00 (Bexco, pièce 110).
Vous pouvez télécharger les volumes français, anglais, italien, thaï en différents formats électroniques ou les commander sur papier à prix coûtant.
Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français
Catégorie:To be checked
Harmonization procedure
This category is collecting all pages (i.e. [10], [11], ... [92]) of the multilingual demographic dictionary which needs to be checked or double checked by somebody.
More precisely, a page is classified in this category if yourself or a robot added the command {{To be checked}} on top (usually) of its corresponding Talk Page, not on the page itself.
We need to check because many terms (so-called TextTerm) haven't been translated in the current language without strong reasons but omission.
The missing terms are identified by their page (for example 10), section (for example 102) and note number within the section (for example 8 for conjoncture démographique). The robot added one or more lines similar to:
* {{missing French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} * {{missing German term|10|104|104-7|GermanNewTextTerm=Bevölkerungsgeographie}}
And the output of this template gives useful informations and links related to the section of the faulty page.
'page' and 'named page'
A page, like 10, is a collection of paragraphs, 101, 102 etc. related to chapter 1 and section 0. 11 is the section 1 of chapter 1, etc.
Each paragraph, 101 for example, is introducing a few demographic terms of the text, called TextTerm, which are in bold face and numbered within the paragraph. If different terms or expressions are variants of the same concept, the same number is applied.
Sometimes, a note is added after the paragraph in order to describe a specific usage of a numbered text term. A note may contain NoteTerm which are bold faced. NoteTerms are currently not collected in any index. In the printed books, those terms were starred in the global index.
Within the text a term or expression in italics gives additional information to the global understanding of the paragraph. It is called a NonRefTerm in the sense that it is not supposed to be translated in other languages as a TextTerm does.
Sometimes a TextTerm can't be translated in a language and the sequence of numbers may not be complete within a paragraph. But most of time a missing number corresponds to an omission. This is the main purpose of the category To be checked: to determine if a missing term is an omission or not.
Terms of the text (TextTerm) have their own named pages: conjoncture démographique. A named page is just an excerpt of the corresponding page (10 in our example). If you modify the paragraph 101 of page 10, where conjoncture démographique is defined in the second edition of the French volume, the named page will be changed accordingly (transclusion).
There are about 1500 named pages for the first edition and 1800 for the second edition. Each named page is categorized into the main index as well as within chapter or even section specific indices.
Translation is possible
If a TextTerm hasn't currently been translated, please check the complete paragraph in order to introduce the missing TextTerm.
Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Polish
These translations have been published only on the Web. The missing terms of the text must be simply called TextTerm as other TexTerms.
Other editions: French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic etc.
If the term is missing within an already printed book, please name it NewTextTerm. German text terms added to the 1987 edition, in comparison to the French (1981), English (1982) and Spanish (1985) editions, have been named NewTextTerm in the Web edition.
We will produce a specific index of the NewTextTem terms in order to distinguish them from the former printed index.
How to enter TextTerm or NewTextTerm for a new translation?
For new translated languages, the TextTerm template had only two arguments, the term itself and its note number:
Let us take the example of paragraph 102 of the English volume of the second edition:
- 102
- ...
- In descriptive demography the numbers, geographical distribution, structure and change of human populations are described by means of population statistics or demographic statistics.
'Descriptive demography' has a note number 3 and must be entered after a vertical bar:
In {{TextTerm|descriptive demography|3}} the numbers...
but 'population statistics' and 'demographic statistics' have the same number 4. And in order to distinguish them (the first term is usually to be preferred), we need to add a count number for the second term. Also the number of the paragraph' is also passed as the third argument, after the note number. The fourth argument is the sub-node number when it exists:
...are described by means of {{TextTerm|population statistics|4|102}} or {{TextTerm|demographic statistics|4|102|2}} .
For a first translation, you are requested to enter all the arguments if they are meaningful. You can click on the TextTerm template in order to facilitate the entry.
How to enter TextTerm or NewTextTerm for a high quality printed book?
In order to prepare a high quality printed book, you need to enter additional arguments to the TextTerm or NewTextTerm templates. And as it is tedious to fill all entries, a special input form has been designed; please look at RefToolBar.
The advantage of the Web is that any term can be searched, but the indices proposed by Demopaedia are similar to the former printed index in the sense that the term 'population statistics' must be also entered as 'statistics, population', with other statistics entries.
In order to create a more complete index, you must enter the 'named parameter' OtherIndexEntry.
... human populations are described by means of {{TextTerm|population statistics|4|102|OtherIndexEntry=statistics, population}} or {{TextTerm|demographic statistics|4|102|2|OtherIndexEntry=statistics, demographic}} .
If you have many entries, you can number them OtherIndexEntryTwo, OtherIndexEntryThird etc.
Index entries must be entered in the nominative and singular form according to the rules of your language. In English or in French, the rules are usually easy and could be automated but in Slavic languages it is currently not possible for a computer and it is asked to enter the nominative form in a 'named parameter' IndexEntry:
Tego rodzaju populacje są ściśle biorąc nazywane {{TextTerm|subpopulacjami|6|101|IndexEntry=subpopulacje}}.
Summary of parameters of NewTextTerm or TextTerm
In summary the syntax of the NewTextTerm template is:
{{NewTextTerm|term|note#|paragraph#|sequence#|IndexEntry=term in the nominative form|OtherIndexEntry=|OtherIndexEntryTwo=|}}. {{TextTerm|term|note#|paragraph#|sequence#|IndexEntry=term in the nominative form|OtherIndexEntry=|OtherIndexEntryTwo=|}}.
- term: term or expression as it should appear in the text. It will be displayed in bold face.
- note#: note numer. It will be displayed as an exponent.
- paragraph#: it is the number of the paragraph (101 etc.);
- sequence#: if two or more terms of the text (TextTerm or NewTextTerm) have the same note number, this sequence number must be entered (2, 3, etc.) in order to distinguish them.
- IndexEntry=: the term in the nominative form must be entered if it is different from the 'term'.
- OtherIndexEntry=: please enter another possible entry for the index.
- OtherIndexEntryTwo=: please enter a second possible entry for the index.
- OtherIndexEntryThree=: please enter a third possible entry for the index.
- OtherIndexEntryFour=: please enter a fourth possible entry for the index.
After entering the translation
Once your translation is entered in the page and submitted (don't forget to fill the résumé line), you will remark that the terms (TextTerm or NewTextTerm) have red links because the corresponding named pages were not created by the robot.
Therefore, click on the red link, in order to create the empy new page and just add the template ' TextTermAdded' with only one parameter.
For example the term 'mercato del lavoro' was missing in the Italian second edition on paragraph 901 of page 90. Its note number is 5. We created the page Mercato del lavoro which contains only a template:
and the page will transclude the corresponding paragraph. The multilingual table will be filled later by the robot. The robot will read all pages, detect the new added terms (TextTerm or NewTextTerm), build a new database and will upload a more complete named page 'mercato del lavoro'.
All added terms will be collected in the category Category:TextTermAdded.
Changing 'missing' to 'translated' in the Talk page
If the demographic expression or word has been translated, go to the Talk page of the page and just change missing by translated:
* {{translated French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}}--~~~
Please add your signature --~~~~ as usual in Talk pages.
Translation is not possible
If you think that the demographic expression can't be translated, just replace missing by untranslatable. You should probably discuss your point by adding a line before your signature and indenting it by a double colon. The next person will respond by adding a new line indented by two semi-colons and his/her signature:
* {{untranslatable French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} : This is a French expression which still has no meaning in English. --[E Van de Walle]: 1982 :: This expression exists in many other languages.--~~~
If all the missing TextTerm terms of a page are now translated or untranslatable, the page will reach either the 1981 standard (French), 1982 standard (English), 1985 standard (Spanish) or, better, the last standard of 1987 (German). And the page will automatically (needs some time for the cache of a category to be updated) belong to one or all of the following categories:
- Category:Coherent with the 1981-standard (French) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1982-standard (English) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1985-standard (Spanish) or
- Category:Coherent with the 1987-standard (German) or
In order to suppress the To be checked script of a Talk page of a page, each translated or untranslatable page must be double checked :
* {{untranslatable French term|10|102|102-8|FrenchTextTerm=conjoncture démographique}} : This was a French expression which still has no meaning in English. --[E Van de Walle]: 1982 :: This expression exists in many other languages.--[L Henry]: 1982 ::: I think that the discussion is over for all terms of this page, I suppressed the "To be checked".~~====
Also all new terms must be categorized in the TexTermAdded category (see above).
Which pages should I check?
After this notice, you will see a standard section Pages in category "To be checked". Here are the talk pages to check.
See also
Cette catégorie comprend 4 sous-catégories, dont les 4 ci-dessous.
Pages dans la catégorie « To be checked »
Cette catégorie comprend 3 pages, dont les 3 ci-dessous.