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Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français

Module:Namespace detect/config

Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français
Révision datée du 22 août 2017 à 15:36 par Nicolas Brouard (discussion | contributions) (1 révision importée : From en.wikipedia)
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La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Namespace detect/config/doc

--                    Namespace detect configuration data                     --
--                                                                            --
-- This module stores configuration data for Module:Namespace detect. Here    --
-- you can localise the module to your wiki's language.                       --
--                                                                            --
-- To activate a configuration item, you need to uncomment it. This means     --
-- that you need to remove the text "-- " at the start of the line.           --

local cfg = {} -- Don't edit this line.

--                              Parameter names                               --
-- These configuration items specify custom parameter names. Values added     --
-- here will work in addition to the default English parameter names.         --
-- To add one extra name, you can use this format:                            --
--                                                                            --
-- cfg.foo = 'parameter name'                                                 --
--                                                                            --
-- To add multiple names, you can use this format:                            --
--                                                                            --
-- cfg.foo = {'parameter name 1', 'parameter name 2', 'parameter name 3'}     --

---- This parameter displays content for the main namespace:
-- cfg.main = 'main'

---- This parameter displays in talk namespaces:
-- cfg.talk = 'talk'

---- This parameter displays content for "other" namespaces (namespaces for which
---- parameters have not been specified):
-- cfg.other = 'other'

---- This parameter makes talk pages behave as though they are the corresponding
---- subject namespace. Note that this parameter is used with [[Module:Yesno]].
---- Edit that module to change the default values of "yes", "no", etc.
-- cfg.subjectns = 'subjectns'

---- This parameter sets a demonstration namespace:
-- cfg.demospace = 'demospace'

---- This parameter sets a specific page to compare:
cfg.demopage = 'page'

--                           Table configuration                              --
-- These configuration items allow customisation of the "table" function,     --
-- used to generate a table of possible parameters in the module              --
-- documentation.                                                             --

---- The header for the namespace column in the wikitable containing the list of
---- possible subject-space parameters.
-- cfg.wikitableNamespaceHeader = 'Namespace'

---- The header for the wikitable containing the list of possible subject-space
---- parameters.
-- cfg.wikitableAliasesHeader = 'Aliases'

--                        End of configuration data                           --

return cfg -- Don't edit this line.