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Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français

Module:Section link

Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français
Révision datée du 22 août 2017 à 15:36 par Nicolas Brouard (discussion | contributions) (1 révision importée : From en.wikipedia)
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Aller à : navigation, rechercher

La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Section link/doc

-- This module implements {{section link}}.

local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType

local p = {}

local function makeSectionLink(page, section, display)
	display = display or section
	page = page or ''
	return string.format('[[%s#%s|%s]]', page, section, display)

function p._main(page, sections, options, title)
	-- Validate input.
	checkType('_main', 1, page, 'string', true)
	checkType('_main', 3, options, 'table', true)
	if sections == nil then
		sections = {}
	elseif type(sections) == 'string' then
		sections = {sections}
	elseif type(sections) ~= 'table' then
			"type error in argument #2 to '_main' " ..
			"(string, table or nil expected, got %s)",
		), 2)
	options = options or {}
	title = title or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

	-- Deal with blank page names elegantly
	if page and not page:find('%S') then
		page = nil
		options.nopage = true

	-- Make the link(s).
	local isShowingPage = not options.nopage
	if #sections <= 1 then
		local linkPage = page or ''
		local section = sections[1] or 'Notes'
		local display = '§&nbsp;' .. section
		if isShowingPage then
			page = page or title.prefixedText
			display = page .. ' ' .. display
		return makeSectionLink(linkPage, section, display)
		-- Multiple sections. First, make a list of the links to display.
		local ret = {}
		for i, section in ipairs(sections) do
			ret[i] = makeSectionLink(page, section)

		-- Assemble the list of links into a string with mw.text.listToText.
		-- We use the default separator for mw.text.listToText, but a custom
		-- conjunction. There is also a special case conjunction if we only
		-- have two links.
		local conjunction
		if #sections == 2 then
			conjunction = '&#8203; and '
			conjunction = ', and '
		ret = mw.text.listToText(ret, nil, conjunction)

		-- Add the intro text.
		local intro = '§§&nbsp;'
		if isShowingPage then
			intro = (page or title.prefixedText) .. ' ' .. intro
		ret = intro .. ret

		return ret

function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		wrappers = 'Template:Section link',
		valueFunc = function (key, value)
			value = value:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') -- Trim whitespace
			-- Allow blank first parameters, as the wikitext template does this.
			if value ~= '' or key == 1 then
				return value

	-- Sort the arguments.
	local page
	local sections, options = {}, {}
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		if k == 1 then
			-- Doing this in the loop because of a bug in [[Module:Arguments]]
			-- when using pairs with deleted arguments.
			page = v
		elseif type(k) == 'number' then
			sections[k] = v
			options[k] = v

	-- Compress the sections array.
	local function compressArray(t)
		local nums, ret = {}, {}
		for num in pairs(t) do
			nums[#nums + 1] = num
		for i, num in ipairs(nums) do
			ret[i] = t[num]
		return ret
	sections = compressArray(sections)

	return p._main(page, sections, options)

return p