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Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français

Module:Effective protection level

Dictionnaire démographique multilingue, seconde édition unifiée, volume français
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La documentation pour ce module peut être créée à Module:Effective protection level/doc

local p = {}

-- Returns the permission required to perform a given action on a given title.
-- If no title is specified, the title of the page being displayed is used.
function p._main(action, pagename)
	local title
	if type(pagename) == 'table' and pagename.prefixedText then
		title = pagename
	elseif pagename then
		title = mw.title.new(pagename)
		title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	pagename = title.prefixedText
	if action == 'autoreview' then
		local level = mw.ext.FlaggedRevs.getStabilitySettings(title)
		level = level and level.autoreview
		if level == 'review' then
			return 'reviewer'
		elseif level ~= '' then
			return level
			return nil -- not '*'. a page not being PC-protected is distinct from it being PC-protected with anyone able to review. also not '', as that would mean PC-protected but nobody can review
	elseif action ~= 'edit' and action ~= 'move' and action ~= 'create' and action ~= 'upload' then
		error( 'First parameter must be one of edit, move, create, upload, autoreview', 2 )
	if title.namespace == 8 then -- MediaWiki namespace
		return 'sysop'
	elseif title.namespace == 2 and title.isSubpage and ( title.contentModel == 'javascript' or title.contentModel == 'css' ) then -- user JS or CSS page
		return 'sysop'
	local level = title.protectionLevels[action] and title.protectionLevels[action][1]
	if level == 'sysop' or level == 'editprotected' then
		return 'sysop'
	elseif title.cascadingProtection.restrictions[action] and title.cascadingProtection.restrictions[action][1] then -- used by a cascading-protected page
		return 'sysop'
	elseif level == 'templateeditor' then
		return 'templateeditor'
	elseif action == 'move' then
		local blacklistentry = mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test('edit', pagename) -- Testing action edit is correct, since this is for the source page. The target page name gets tested with action move.
		if blacklistentry and not blacklistentry.params.autoconfirmed then
			return 'templateeditor'
		elseif title.namespace == 6 then
			return 'filemover'
		elseif level == 'extendedconfirmed' then
			return 'extendedconfirmed'
			return 'autoconfirmed'
	local blacklistentry = mw.ext.TitleBlacklist.test(action, pagename)
	if blacklistentry then
		if not blacklistentry.params.autoconfirmed then
			return 'templateeditor'
		elseif level == 'extendedconfirmed' then
			return 'extendedconfirmed'
			return 'autoconfirmed'
	elseif level == 'editsemiprotected' then -- create-semiprotected pages return this for some reason
		return 'autoconfirmed'
	elseif level then
		return level
	elseif action == 'upload' then
		return 'autoconfirmed'
	elseif action == 'create' and title.namespace % 2 == 0 and title.namespace ~= 118 then -- You need to be registered, but not autoconfirmed, to create non-talk pages other than drafts
		return 'user'
		return '*'

setmetatable(p, { __index = function(t, k)
	return function(frame)
		return t._main(k, frame.args[1])
end })

return p